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3:00 PM Fatigue?

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Adrenal Support

The Adrenal Glands are primarily responsible for offsetting the effects of emotional, mental and physical stress on the body.

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Pantothenic Acid


Known as “ the Antistress Vitamin “ pantothenic acid, is a part of the Vitamin B complex, and occurs in all living cells.


Do you feel tired around 3:00 PM?

You’re not alone—many people experience this afternoon slump. One simple way to help is by using a traditional Chinese remedy: water with lemon.

How does it work? Drinking water with lemon can have a direct impact on how well your liver functions. In Chinese medicine, how your eyes feel—whether dry, itchy, or tired—is often connected to your liver's health.

When you drink lemon or lime water, it helps stimulate the liver, supporting its natural regeneration and cleansing processes.

Timing is key. To prevent that 3:00 PM fatigue, try drinking lemon or lime water around 1:00 or 2:00 PM. This helps your body balance energy levels naturally.

Keeping your energy steady is about balancing blood sugar, which will help you stay alert, focus better, and power through the rest of your day

Your level of energy, muscle strength, blood sugar levels and ability to respond to environmental stressors are all affected by Adrenal function.

The Adrenal Glands produce and regulate stress hormones, which prepare the body to deal with stressful situations. 

The Adrenal hormones and their functions are linked to virtually all of the body's systems, thus many physiological processes and bodily functions including cardio vascular health, sex drive, pH balance, skin conditions, energy levels, mood and overall psychological outlook often corelate to Adrenal gland function.


  • Pantothenic Acid reinforces our defenses against stress by supporting the Adrenal Glands.​

  • ​Can improve mental processes.

  • ​May help treat insomnia, depression and anxiety.

  • ​Prevents hair loss, graying of hair.

  • Helps convert fats, carbohydrates into energy.

  • ​Can enhance athletic ability and stamina.

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